Migrating between versions

New versions of coverage.py or Python might require you to adjust your settings, options, or other aspects how you use coverage.py. This page details those changes.

Migrating to coverage.py 7.x

Consider these changes when migrating to coverage.py 7.x:

  • The way that wildcards when specifying file paths work in certain cases has changed in 7.x:

    • Previously, * would incorrectly match directory separators, making precise matching difficult. Patterns such as *tests/* will need to be changed to */tests/*.

    • ** now matches any number of nested directories. If you wish to retain the behavior of **/tests/* in previous versions then */**/tests/* can be used instead.

  • When remapping file paths with [paths], a path will be remapped only if the resulting path exists. Ensure that remapped [paths] exist when upgrading as this is now being enforced.

  • The [report] exclude_also setting is new in 7.2.0. It adds exclusion regexes while keeping the default built-in set. It’s better than the older [report] exclude_lines setting, which overwrote the entire list. Newer versions of coverage.py will be adding to the default set of exclusions. Using exclude_also will let you benefit from those updates.

Migrating to Python 3.12

Keep these things in mind when running under Python 3.12:

  • Python 3.12 now inlines list, dict, and set comprehensions. Previously, they were compiled as functions that were called internally. Coverage.py would warn you if comprehensions weren’t fully completed, but this no longer happens with Python 3.12.